21 Jul Book presentation: “To Diamandenio Soma” (The Diamond Body) by Joel Lopino
Joel Lopino’s new book, entitled “To Diamandenio Soma” (The Diamond Body) was presented in the historic café “Kipos”.
The event was co-hosted by “Kastaniotis Editions”, the “Greek- French Association of Chania”, the “European Historic Cafés Association” and the bookstore “Mikro Karavi” (Small ship).
The presentation was welcomed by the president of the Greek-French Association of Chania, Stella Koutsoupaki and the president of the European Historic Cafés Association, Vassilis Stathakis, who offered the author a commemorative plate of EHICA (European Historic Cafés Association), on behalf of the Board the Association.
The lawyer, Grigoris Tzanakis, spoke with the author during the presentation, as her new book offers a different approach to existence, freeing it from the limitations of the subconscious, bringing positivity and happiness in our life.
The author of the best-seller, “Agrilia” (wild olive), through her new publication, “sheds light” on the path to happiness by asking questions such as:
“If we stopped living as victims, how would our lives be? If we believed in ourselves, what choices would we make? What if our thoughts created, instead of destroying? What if we really loved?”
Short biographical note about the author :
Joel Lopino is French with Greek origins on her mother’s side. She chose to live and build her career in Greece, daring to write in a language which is not actually her mother tongue. She studied French Literature at the University of Grenoble and at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Athens. She worked as a teacher for twenty years and is mother of four children.
Since 1996 she has been exclusively devoted to writing novels, fairy tales and theatrical plays for children. Particularly sensitive about issues concerning racism, gender equality and child and women abuse, she has given many interviews on the radio and the TV, as well as lectures at universities and schools throughout Greece.
Other books by her: “Mia stala dilitirio, mia stala meli” (A drop of poison, a drop of honey) (1998), “Piase t’ astra tis zois” (Catch the stars of life) (2000), “Ti ithela kai pandreftika!” (Why on earth did I get married?) (2001), “To hadi tou anemou” (The wind caress) (2002), “I gefyra tis agapis” (The Love Bridge) (2003), “To megalo oniro” (The big dream) (2006), “Hartinos erotas” (Paper Love) (2007), “To aroma tou lotou” (Scent of the lotus) (2010) and “Afto to spiti ise esi” (This house is you) (2012).