15 Nov Statement by Stavros Arnaoutakis- Head of the Region of Crete – Heraklion 15.11.2016
“The preservation and highlighting of our historical and cultural heritage constitute one of the fundamental priorities in the strategic planning of the Region of Crete.
Given that, your action in the European Historic Cafés Association is significant, since it contributes to the dissemination of our historical memory, as it has been formed in the historic cafés, these gathering places where political debate and decisions, artistic creation and thinking took place.
As representative of the Region of Crete, I would like to inform you that we are glad to support the actions and initiatives of your Association.
We would, also, like to wish you luck on your action plans, with the certainty that you will successfully carry out your mission”.
Stavros Arnaoutakis
Head of the Region of Crete