06 Dec Statement by Prof. Dr. Fotios Parathanasiou – General Director of the Institute of Visual Arts & Music Vassilis & Marina Theocharakis – Athens 06.12.2016
“The European Historic Cafés Association is a valuable initiative based on the foundations of the European culture. Over the past centuries our culture has been developed in these gathering places, where dialogue flourishes.
The Cafés have always been places of inspiration of great writers, novelists and poets, composers and creators, as well as places where human relations have been created. As we, also, know they were places of political debate which regenerated democracy during the Enlightenment.
The Association, by joining the efficient practice of the European networks, will serve as the ark of the institution and of the quality of a most authentic and most romantic era. It deserves our wholehearted support. “
Dr. Fotios Papathanasiou
General Director of the Institute of Visual Arts & Music Vassilis & Marina Theocharakis